Friday, September 16, 2016

GOP Rep. Blasts Kaepernick’s Activism: ‘Sympathetic to ISIS’ | Video |

GOP Rep. Blasts Kaepernick’s Activism: ‘Sympathetic to ISIS’ | Video |

"“I understand that he has an Islamic girlfriend that is his fiancée, and that this has changed him,” King said Tuesday. “He’s taken on some different political views along the way. This is activism that’s sympathetic to ISIS.”

“And for me, if I’m the coach, I would say, ‘You’re done. Until you take a knee and beg forgiveness from the American people, you’re not going to set foot on this field again.’ That would be my answer to him,” he continued.

King also charged that Kaepernick is a representative of the entire 49ers team whenever he puts on his jersey and that his actions reflect on the organization."

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