Tuesday, September 13, 2016

History for September 13

History for September 13 - On-This-Day.com
Walter Reed 1851, Milton S. Hershey 1857, John Pershing 1860

J.B. Priestley 1894, Richard Kiel 1939, Jacqueline Bisset 1944

1759 - The French were defeated by the British on the Plains of Abraham in the final French and Indian War.

1789 - The United States Government took out its first loan.

1898 - Hannibal Williston Goodwin patented celluloid photographic film, which is used to make movies.
Image result for Hannibal Williston Goodwin patented celluloid photographic film,

1922 - In El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Image result for El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4

1948 - Margaret Chase Smith was elected to the U.S. Senate and became the first woman to serve in both houses of the U.S. Congress.
Image result for Margaret Chase Smith was elected to the U.S. Senate

1960 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission banned payola.

1971 - In New York, National Guardsmen stormed the Attica Correctional Facility and put an end to the four-day revolt. A total of 43 people were killed in the final assault. A committee was organized to investigate the riot on September 30, 1971.

1994 - U.S. President Bill Clinton signed a $30 billion crime bill into law.

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