Sunday, September 25, 2016

It’s Time for Conservatives to Boycott the NFL - John Hawkins

It’s Time for Conservatives to Boycott the NFL - John Hawkins:

"Now, watching a football game requires you to put up with spoiled, pampered, privileged, obscenely wealthy man-children disrespecting America during the national anthem. As if that isn’t bad enough, you turn on ESPN or somewhere else discussing sports and what do you hear? Liberals talking about how great it is that these football players are crapping all over the country that made them rich and famous.
Forget about rushing for 100 yards and throwing 4 touchdowns in a game; if you really want people to talk about you, just tell everyone about how racist America is and how awful the police are because the latest criminal who was “about to turn his life around and go to college” gets shot after doing something insanely stupid and dangerous with a cop around."

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