Wednesday, September 14, 2016



Constitution Day

By Tammy Derouin

Throughout history there have been many important events.  Events, for better or worse, must be remembered to either prevent such atrocities from reoccurring or to commemorate an achievement which would forever change the path of mankind. 

Man’s exodus out of darkness has been a long and brutal journey.  Enslavement of the people by the governing establishment was, and in many cases still is, common place. Tyranny is readily available in many forms.  A dictator or a monarch may be the first examples which come to mind.  Tyranny also exists when religion is used to promote an ideology; a political agenda.  This is probably the most dangerous because many will deny or ignore the atrocities committed by such factions out of fear.  Falling for such tactics only pacifies the enemy, making them stronger. 

When extraordinary events take place they should be remembered and commemorated. By forgetting the importance of such events, by not educating our posterity and by taking our achievements and advancements for granted, we lose the ground which so many gave their lives to secure and protect.  When we do not know our history and the events which allowed man to live free, we willingly descend back into darkness.

History is brutal but it’s necessary to understand if we wish to remain free. A key factor for controlling and oppressing people is withholding information and preventing the population from learning. Lack of knowledge creates the perfect environment to manipulate the thinking process of those, the powers that be, wish to control. 

To claim transparency...... 

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