Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email | Sharyl Attkisson

The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email | Sharyl Attkisson:

"The Takeaways

The FBI could not review all of the Hillary Clinton emails under investigation because:

The Clintons’ Apple personal server used for Hillary Clinton work email could not be located for the FBI to examine.
An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton email archives were lost, and the FBI couldn’t examine them.
2 BlackBerry devices provided to FBI didn’t have their SIM or SD data cards.
13 Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded or destroyed. Therefore, the FBI couldn’t examine them.

Various server backups were deleted over time, so the FBI couldn’t examine them.
After State Dept. notified Hillary Clinton her records would be sought by House Benghazi Committee, copies of her email on the laptops of her attorneys Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were wiped with BleachBit, and the FBI couldn’t review them.
After her emails were subpoenaed, Hillary Clinton’s email archive was also permanently deleted from her then-server “PRN” with BleachBit, and the FBI couldn’t review it.
Also after the subpoena, backups of the PRN server were manually deleted."

...... And the list goes on and on and on...

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