Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Video That Just May Sink Hillary's Ship...

The Video That Just May Sink Hillary's Ship... » Louder With Crowder
"This week, AmericaRising released an ad on Hillary Clinton.1  
I usually don’t like, nor commentate on these kinds of ads.
But this ad, is without a doubt, the most effective anti-campaign ad that I’ve ever seen.  
And it shows Conservatives the blueprint on how to beat Hillary.  
Attack the dishonesty.  
Hillary Clinton is more than a slimy politician, she’s a compulsive liar.  
She lies about big things, but more importantly, she lies about little things when she thinks that nobody’s watching.15 
For no reason!  
Ignore the “sexism” claims from the left, speak freely, and focus on this. 
Watch below. 
It’s a must.

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