Friday, September 16, 2016

TV Ad Encourages German Women to Wear Hijabs

TV Ad Encourages German Women to Wear Hijabs » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
"Germany appears to have given up on integrating the millions of Muslim migrants pouring into the country and is instead encouraging German citizens to submit to Islam.
A television ad currently airing in Germany invites blonde-haired, blue-eyed women to embrace “tolerance” by wearing the Muslim hijab head dress.
The commercial begins with the text “Turkish women wear the hijab,” as a veiled woman is seen with her back to the camera.
However, when she turns around it immediately becomes clear that the woman is a white, blonde-haired German, before she states, “Me too! It’s beautiful!”
“Enjoy difference – start tolerance,” states the woman.
The campaign is funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, as well as German taxpayers, who are forced to obtain a state television license or face prison time.
Instead of reversing its suicidal immigration policy, it appears as though Germany is now encouraging its female population to avoid the mass sex assaults committed by Muslim migrants in numerous major cities by submitting to Islam and covering themselves up..."
Much more!

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