Sunday, September 18, 2016

Watch This Real Life Photo Bomb As Syrian Rebel Accidentally Blows Himself Up While Taking Selfie With Cell Phone Detonator

Watch This Real Life Photo Bomb As Syrian Rebel Accidentally Blows Himself Up While Taking Selfie With Cell Phone Detonator:
"We’re not quite sure if these are the good guys, the bad guys or this week’s allies du jour, but the video below is a lesson in how not to take a selfie with a random mobile device picked up from a table full of guns and improvised explosive devices.
Several reported rebels were sitting together and appeared to be preparing for and celebrating a future attack when one of the men was so excited he just had to take a selfie. 
He grabs a cell phone of the table, positions for the perfect social media pic and takes a snap shot.
A clicking noise can be heard, suggesting that the phone he used was a detonator for the IED explosion that immediately followed:

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