Friday, September 16, 2016

When the other shoe drops for Hillary Clinton

When the other shoe drops for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air Hot Air
"We’ve had the better part of a week to digest and mull over the events at the 9/11 memorial service where Hillary Clinton “stumbled on her way to the car” (if you listen to many media outlets) or simply collapsed and had to be shoved into her vehicle like a sack of potatoes (if you watch the video). 
I understand that it’s been discussed pretty much everywhere since then, but there are two points which I keep coming back to and simply can’t shake out of my mind. 
The second one, which we’ll get to below, deals with some contradictory medical information. 
hillaryshoeThe first, on the other hand, is going to come off as totally sexist, so all of you feminists can get your brickbats ready because we’re going to go there anyway.
It all comes down to this one picture which was on pretty much every television screen after the event.
Here comes the sexist part, just so I don’t keep you waiting too long. 
The story of Clinton’s “stumble” pushes the idea that she was “overheated” and needed some help getting into the car. 
In the process of “being helped” her shoe obviously came off. 
Now tell me… what woman who spends the amount of money on clothing that the former Secretary of State is known to do and is so conscious of her appearance at all times would leave a shoe on the sidewalk? 
When she was seated in the car (assuming she was sitting up), does anyone actually believe that she wouldn’t notice that one of her shoes was off? She has aides attending her constantly. 
What are the chances that, even in an overheated and tired state, she wouldn’t have said to one of them, “Hey. My shoe fell off. Would you jump out and grab it for me please?”
I’m not buying it. .."
Read on!

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