Monday, October 10, 2016

Chris Stevens' Death & Benghazi -- Obama Administration Misled Public

Chris Stevens' Death & Benghazi -- Obama Administration Misled Public | National Review
"...Although Secretary Rice took most of the heat as the designated face of the administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in charge of the compound at Benghazi and was Chris’s boss. 
So it is significant that Rice’s repeated appearances reinforced the following statement made by Clinton at 10:08 p.m. EST, while the attack was still going on:
“Some have sought to justify the vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”
Under questioning by Congress, Secretary Clinton tried to emphasize the ambiguous words in this statement, but she never explained why she did not call a halt to Secretary Rice’s forceful and repeated reinforcement of her original explanation of what had occurred when she knew that it was simply false.
During nearly two years following the attack, Secretary Clinton testified under oath to both houses of Congress without revealing that she was sitting on piles of e-mails that were relevant to Benghazi, because she had conducted all her e-mail correspondence on a private server, not on the usual State Department server as required by every spy service in the federal government.
After her private server was discovered almost by accident by a hacker, and long legal battles forced production of the e-mails, it was learned that within the same hour Secretary Clinton released her public statement blaming the “inflammatory material posted on the Internet,” she reported to her family that “two officers were killed today in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda–like group.”
During frustrating research to discover the truth, most of us noticed early on that Rice’s account was directly contradicted by that of Libyan president Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, who said that he had “no doubt” the attack was pre-planned by individuals from outside Libya.
As it turned out, this was evident when Secretary Clinton told him, “Ansar al-Sharia is claiming responsibility.”
So once again, Secretary Clinton blamed a terrorist group, not protesters. 
I did not go through these details to choose sides in the political debate, which rages on as I write these lines.
I only point out that no one seems interested in digging for the facts to learn the truth about what happened to Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, who died tragically and needlessly that day. 
Instead, they either want to obscure the truth to protect a political position or learn enough to bring down an opponent.
Neither is true to the American spirit of pursuing truth for its own sake.
— Lydie M. Denier, former fiancĂ©e of the late ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, is the author of A Voice for Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, from which this article is excerpted.

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