Saturday, October 08, 2016

Hillary "Shocked!" By Trump's Sex Talk... But Here's Video of Hillary Threatening Sex Assault Victims in 1998

Hillary "Shocked!" By Trump's Sex Talk... But Here's Video of Hillary Threatening Sex Assault Victims in 1998:
The Clinton campaign (Washington Post) released audio on Friday of Donald Trump talking about hitting on a hot woman in 2005.
Hillary Clinton tweeted out that she was “shocked!” in response to the audio!
Really, Hillary?
This is the same woman who threatened Bill Clinton’s accusers in 1998.
It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s.
Hillary Clinton revealed her hidden hand when she menacingly issued a clear warning of intimidation to her husband’s accusers (and those who would pursue their charges) on the nationally broadcast Today Show in early 1998 in the days after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.
The Today Show interview with Matt Lauer on January 27, 1998 is famous for Hillary’s claim that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was behind the allegations of an affair between her husband President Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. (Transcript source.)
“This is—the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have kind of caught on to it and explained it. But it has not yet been fully revealed to the American public. And actually, you know, in a bizarre sort of way, this may do it.”
Later in the interview, Hillary bluntly issued her threat:
“I think we’re going to find some other things. And I think that when all of this is put into context, and we really look at the people involved here, look at their motivations and look at their backgrounds, look at their past behavior, some folks are going to have a lot to answer for.”
Here’s the video—–
Video from Today Show video hosted by C-SPAN.

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