Sunday, October 09, 2016

History for October 9

History for October 9 -
Bruce Catton 1899, Aimee Semple McPherson 1890, Otto Schnering 1891
Image result for Otto Schnering

Edward Andrews 1914, John Lennon 1940 - Musician (Beatles), Jackson Browne 1948 - Musician

Image result for john lennon hypocrite

1781 - The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War took place in Yorktown, VA. The American forces, led by George Washington, defeated the British troops under Lord Cornwallis.

1872 - Aaron Montgomery started his mail order business with the delivery of the first mail order catalog. The firm later became Montgomery Wards.

1919 - The Cincinnati Reds won the World Series. The win would be later tainted when 8 Chicago White Sox were charged with throwing the game. The incident became known as the "Black Sox" scandal.

1943 - "Land of the Lost" debuted on ABC radio.

1946 - The first electric blanket went on sale in Petersburg, VA.

1975 - Andrei Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Soviet scientist is known as the "father of the hydrogen bomb."

Image result for Andrei Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

1986 - U.S. District Judge Harry E. Claiborne became the fifth federal official to be removed from office through impeachment. The U.S. Senate convicted Claiborne of "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Image result for U.S. District Judge Harry E. Claiborne

1986 - The musical "Phantom of the Opera" by Andrew Lloyd Webber opened in London.

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