Sunday, October 09, 2016

I double down and re-endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States! SEVERAL UPDATES – Da Tech Guy Blog

I double down and re-endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States! SEVERAL UPDATES – Da Tech Guy Blog:
"...Now I concede this is bad, not only in terms of what was said but what it implies.  
I strongly disapprove of it as I suspect many others like me do.

And that’s why I’ve chosen this moment, Catholic Blogger that I am, to double down and re-endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States!

Why would I do this?  Quite simple, I’m not going to let myself be played.  Let me explain.
To those who have endorsed Donald Trump, the idea that he is both boastful and vulgar has been a given, it has been factored into the equation concerning him.  
Furthermore his public persona has been out there for decades and he has never pretended to be anything other than what he is.  

I further suspect the voting public has already factored this into their image of Trump and it is unlikely that this revelation is going to move those who haven’t made up their minds one way or the other despite the shocked faces at CNN.
Furthermore the base reasons why many of us decided to endorse Trump have not changed:
…I know that there will be times that Donald Trump will disappointment me just as I expected Mitt Romney to disappoint men on social issues and John McCain to disappoint me on immigration and George W Bush who disappointed me on spending and the bank bailouts.
But while Trump will occasionally disappoint me (when he does I’ll call him on it) I am convinced he will neither persecute me nor strip me of my rights for holding my Conservative Catholic beliefs and acting on them.
I am very sorry to say I can not make that same statement about Hillary Clinton, and I’m even sorrier to see the day when I would say this about a presidential candidate.
Nothing on that tape changes these truths.  Clinton is going to persecute me, Trump is not.
Furthermore in terms of electability there is one thing that still favors Donald Trump,  Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is the worst candidate for any office that I have seen since Martha Coakley.  There is nothing at all likable about her.  She is disliked and distrusted by the public by huge numbers, including many of those who will eventually vote for her.
Moreover the factor that I mentioned in my Trump endorsement still remains the same
I think that the sight of women and gay men being beaten by leftists because they support the presumptive GOP nominee, having it happen in full sight of police ordered to do nothing AND SEEING THOSE OFFICERS CHOOSING TO LET THEM BE BEATEN means that they can not count on the authorities to obey their oaths of office if they think doing so might cost them their jobs.
Even worse than this is the obvious question it raises: If leftists are willing to resort to violence and boast about it before an election when it might hurt their ability to persuade the people to vote for them, how much more willing will they be to violently suppress their political foes when such behavior is rewarded with electoral victory by the people?
What will that tell a populace that has already been arming itself nonstop for the last 4-6 years?
And that not even counting the basic corruption, the wholesale theft, the selling of the office of the president of the united states and the enabling of both islamic terror and our enemies in Russia, Iran, North Korea and China that will take place and the subsequent nuclear arms race that will follow.
There is also the whole business of Trump’s words vs the Clinton’s actions, my post from August really applies well here(new emphasis here).."

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