Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Kerry Without Clothes

Kerry Without Clothes - The New York Sun:
"It’s hard to recall a scoop that exposed the bankruptcy of post-Vietnam diplomacy in a more devastating fashion than Anne Barnard’s dispatch in the New York Times giving a glimpse of Secretary of State Kerry complaining about his country – to the Syrians.
His beef with America? 
That we won’t support his call for a war in Syria. 
“Over and over again,” writes Ms. Barnard, Mr. Kerry “complained to a small group of Syrian civilians that his diplomacy had not been backed by a serious threat of military force.”
Image result for kerry windsurfing photoWhat’s so powerful about her story is that she bases it on audio recordings, obtained by the Times, that enable us not only to read Mr. Kerry’s petulance.
We can also hear Mr. Kerry whinge about how no one will follow the man who the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth long ago convinced Americans was unfit for command.
“I think,” Mr. Kerry complained at one point, “you’re looking at three people, four people in the administration who have all argued for use of force, and I lost the argument.”
How in the world could that be?
It’s not, after all, that Americans have refused to send our GIs overseas to make the world safe for Democracy.
We’ve been doing this since Woodrow Wilson made his famous vow – or even before, if one wants to feature San Juan Hill and Mexico.
It may be that Mr. Kerry – or, in Secretary Clinton, his predecessor – will insist the blame lies with the dreaded neo-conservatives.
But it wasn’t they who retreated from Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the war against Islamic terrorism.
No, the architects of that retreat were President Obama, the Democratic Party, and Secretary of State Clinton..."

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