Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Liberal Chick-fil-A hysterics reach a whole new level of bizarre

Liberal Chick-fil-A hysterics reach a whole new level of bizarre
"The intolerant liberal Chick-fil-A hate has reached a whole new level of bizarre hysterics.
Democrats in Pinellas County, Fla., are up in arms over the county supervisor of elections’ decision to hold voter registration drives at nine Chick-fil-A locations.
The point of contention, Mark Puente reports for the Tampa Bay Times, is that Chick-fil-A is “known for putting faith ahead of profits” and “supports conservative causes.” Therefore, holding a voter registration drive at its locations would ruin the integrity of the election.
Chick Fil A store"Susan McGrath, leader of the Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party, said the decision to use Chick-fil-A would be similar to a Democratic supervisor of elections holding the event at Planned Parenthood,” writes Puente. Said McGrath: “it might be more transparent to hold the voter drives at the Republican Party headquarters.”
Ummm …
  1. OK, cool. So we’re finally admitting that Planned Parenthood is definitely an arm of the Democratic Party?
  2. Wait … we’re comparing a chicken sandwich joint to America’s number one provider of abortions?
In case you’re wondering, McGrath has accounted for the obvious logical objection to her characterization of Chick-fil-A as a Republican voter recruitment factory (and not a chicken sandwich joint).
"While some Democrats may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A (and perhaps even members of the LGBT community), the coordination of Pinellas voter registration activities with this right-leaning business very clearly conveys that your office is targeting Republican-leaning voters," McGrath wrote to the supervisor of elections.
That’s a bulletproof argument right there, folks. Some Democrats “may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A,” but Chick-fil-A is “clearly” an arm of the Republican Party (and not a chicken sandwich joint).
It’s not a new thing for liberals and progressives to hate on Chick-fil-A. But to compare a chicken sandwich joint to an abortion mill? Really?

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