Friday, October 07, 2016

Major Election Fraud Alert – Is This How They Are Going To Steal The Election From Donald Trump?

Major Election Fraud Alert – Is This How They Are Going To Steal The Election From Donald Trump?:
"Every ounce of effort that ordinary Americans have put into getting Donald Trump elected could be completely wasted if we allow them to steal the election.  If you have confidence in the integrity of our elections, that confidence will be shaken by the time you are done reading this article, because I am about to share some information with you that is absolutely astounding.  Yesterday, I showed you that dead people are being registered to vote right now and that they have been voting in elections across the country for years.  I also showed you that illegal immigrants have been voting in important swing states such as Virginia and Pennsylvania.  But all of that pales in comparison to the evidence of systematic election fraud that we witnessed on election day in 2012.
Because Mitt Romney threw in the towel very early on election night in 2012, very little scrutiny was given to the actual voting results.  
But if Romney had been willing to fight, there was actually quite a bit of evidence that the election was potentially stolen from him.
According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters all across America reported over 70,000 voting problems by five o’clock Eastern time on election day in 2012.  In many instances, voters that were attempting to vote for Mitt Romney were having their votes switched to Barack Obama by the voting machines.  We are going to look at some examples of this phenomenon below.
In particular, we want to focus on the swing states, because that is where most of the voting irregularities seem to have popped up.  If you are going to steal an election, you don’t really care too much about the really “red states” or the really “blue states”.  Rather, the key would be to shift enough votes in the tightly contested swing states to ensure a victory for your candidate.  And so let’s take a look at what happened in some of the most important swing states during the last election.
During election night in 2012, the pundits breathlessly proclaimed that it was all going to come down to Ohio.  They told us that if Mitt Romney was going to have any chance of winning the election that he had to win Ohio, and so that was the state to watch more than any other.
One of the counties where Barack Obama really needed to run up votes was in Cuyahoga County.  But Barack Obama didn’t just solidly win in Cuyahoga County.  In fact, there were 16 precincts were Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Earlier today I went to the official Cuyahoga County website, and the results from the last election are still up.  The following are the vote totals for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the precincts where Mitt Romney did not get any votes…
0154 CLEVELAND -02-Q: 542 – 0
0192 CLEVELAND -04-L: 388 – 0
0204 CLEVELAND -05-E: 597 – 0
0205 CLEVELAND -05-F: 483 – 0
0206 CLEVELAND -05-G: 257 – 0
0219 CLEVELAND -05-T: 386 – 0
0228 CLEVELAND -06-H: 405 – 0
0232 CLEVELAND -06-L: 70 – 0
0233 CLEVELAND -06-M: 419 – 0
0241 CLEVELAND -06-U: 118 – 0
0248 CLEVELAND -07-F: 361 – 0
0273 CLEVELAND -08-J: 472 – 0
0280 CLEVELAND -08-Q: 49 – 0
0285 CLEVELAND -09-B: 414 – 0
0288 CLEVELAND -09-E: 478 – 0
0523 EAST CLEVELAND -04-C: 486 – 0
There were also a whole host of precincts in Cuyahoga County where Mitt Romney received just one or two votes.  
Overall, Barack Obama won more than 99 percent of the vote in more than 100 precincts in just this one county.
How in the world does that happen?..."
Lots more here. READ ON!

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