Sunday, November 27, 2016

A worthy read-----The Witch Is Alive And Well....

Steve Russo - The Witch Is Alive And Well.... Hillary Finds...:
"The Witch Is Alive And Well.... Hillary Finds Uncounted Votes On Her Private Voting Machine In Her Basement, And She Hires Jill Stein To Recount Her Votes
Hillary prepares to take back the presidency from Donald Trump after millions of uncounted votes were found on her private voting machine that was in the bathroom at her Chappaqua compound. 
More uncounted votes for Hillary were also found on Anthony Weiner's computer. 
These votes will be counted during the Wisconsin recount and will pass the presidency back to Hillary where it belongs.
Hillary hires the communist loving Jill Stein to do her dirty work for her and try to get more fraudulent ballots "counted" because she fell short the first time. 
Good, it's time to take the gloves off. 
Now when Trump takes office, I hope he unleashes unholy hell on her corrupt ass and has HIS DOJ charge her with everything under the sun! I wanna see this lying, corrupt beast behind bars for the rest of her life....
~ Hillary A Month Ago: You Have To Accept The Election Results Or You’re Threatening Democracy…
~ Hillary Today: Clinton Campaign To Participate In Recount Efforts...…/2016-election-recount-cl…
~ Huffington Compost A Month Ago: Trump’s Refusal To Accept Election Results Has Americans Fuming
“If he loses, it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”…/trump-refuses-to-accept-ele…
~ Huffington Post Today: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Says It Will Participate In Wisconsin Recount ...…/hillary-clinton-recount_us_…
~ Electoral voters 'deluged' with death threats from Hillary supporters in multiple states...…/electoral-college-voters-deluged-with…/
The left have gone out of their way to make cheating as easy as possible in as many ways as possible, then when it doesn't work they claim the system is rigged.
Did you hear one single story about machines changing Hillary votes to Trump? 
No, you did not, but there were plenty of stories of machines changing Trump votes to Hillary. 
If a real recount is done anywhere, (not a partisan steal this election recount), the only phoney votes they are going to find went to Hillary - the dead who vote, early and often.
The reality is.... Demographics, Not Hacking, Explain The Election Results and Why Hillary Lost…/demographics-not-hacking-expl…/

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