The Michigan Review notes that a logistics sheet for Wednesday’s 1,000-student walkoutat the University of Michigan – to protest the election and “increase in hate crimes and other forms of violence against marginalized folx” – prescribed specific roles for whites in attendance.
Those roles start and end with “police people” and “crowd control/marshals.”
The logistics sheet says that whites end up being quoted “overwhelmingly” when they speak alongside people of color, so anyone white who is approached for an interview should “pass it along to another person of color!”
Whites are to serve as the older members of the herd who protect the younger members in the center from external threats – including campus police.
They are also to serve as PR mouthpieces...
...Also, if you end up blocking a person of color, God help you..."
They are also to serve as PR mouthpieces...
...Also, if you end up blocking a person of color, God help you..."
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