CONFIRMED: Study Says Liberals Are Far Less Tolerant Of Other People’s Opinions – American Lookout:
"A new study confirms what ,any conservatives already know.
That liberals are more likely to be intolerant of the views of others.
Any right leaning person with liberal friends of Facebook has probably had experiences which reinforce this.
A new study has confirmed what we all knew but what leftists are loathe to admit – liberals are far more intolerant of other people’s opinions.
A survey by PRRI found that, “Political liberals are far more likely than conservatives to say they removed someone from their social media circle due to what they shared online.”
Nearly a quarter (24%) of Democrats say they blocked, unfriended or unfollowed someone after the presidential election, compared to just 9% of Republicans and 9% of Independents who were triggered to do the same.
Almost three in ten (30%) of Democratic women removed someone from their social network because of their political opinion.
While liberals preach tolerance and diversity until they’re blue in the face, this study once again proves that leftists are completely intolerant when it comes to diversity of opinion.
Conservatives may think liberals have bad ideas but liberals tend to believe conservatives are evil.
That’s part of what makes liberals so intolerant.
They believe they’re morally superior."
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