"On Thursday afternoon, our friends at RedState flagged this peculiar development that ABC News transcript excluded an exchange from the David Muir-President Trump interview where Trump scolded Muir for the media’s lack of coverage of the March for Life versus the Women’s March on Washington.
With an eagle eye for this detail, RedState’s “Streiff” provided a generous nod to Nicholas Fondacaro’s blog from Wednesday night and concluded it’d be pertinent to check out the full transcript.
That’s where Streiff ran into trouble:
Guess what? This entire exchange is simply omitted from the ABC transcript.Is it a clerical oversight? Did they not like seeing powdered and blow-dried empty suit that runs their news operation stuttering away? Did it interfere with their narrative about Trump? Did they, in short, intentionally cut it? I don’t know anything more than that, but the omission seems to make Donald Trump’s point about March for Life coverage in a much stronger way than Trump did. In other words, that they’re so committed to not covering the size of the March they couldn’t even let this point stand on their website."...
As this clip so clearly illustrates, the main stream media are SCUM. They are filth and no more worthy of attention than a cockroach. (Except to get the can of RAID)
This more than anything else should illustrate the media's subversive agenda, which is to denigrate and de-legitimize Trump's Presidency.
The media by their omissions lie. In fact they have taken lying to the public to new heights. So many stories have been manipulated by this selective coverage so as to provide the impression that the opposite is reality.
I agree completely!
The good news is Trump realizes this too!
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