BC prof blames 'white heterosexual male privilege' for Trump win
"A Boston College professor contends that Donald Trump’s election victory was predetermined by an electoral system designed to perpetuate “white heterosexual male privilege.”
Prof. Janet Elms clarifies, however, that she does not believe individual racism is to blame, tracing Trump's win instead to institutions put in place for the purpose of perpetuating WHMP, like the Electoral College..
“White heterosexual male privilege (WHMP) fought for and won the election of 2016,” professor Janet Elms of BC’s Lynch School of Education argues in an article posted on the school’s website. “White heterosexual men have won a rigged competition whose rules their white forefathers determined and passed on to subsequent generations to maintain and enhance.”
Elms explains heterosexual manhood as “a privileged status that men enjoy because they are born male rather than female,” adding that “the power to control society’s resources and determine the rules for competing for them is considered to be men’s birthright.”
According to Elms, “President-elect Donald Trump is the privileged white male personified” whose “angry promises to ‘Make America Great Again,’ based on scapegoating of his political adversaries and longstanding victims of government policies, made white heterosexual men and the WHMP-benefiting women feel safe again...”
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