Wednesday, February 01, 2017



The Shifting Left

By Tammy Derouin

If nothing else, I guess we've got to hand it to the Left for their endless attempts to keep their causes on the front page, as if they were actually worthy of our attention. But then again, front page attention doesn't take much, having captured the press for their publicity and Hollywood for their song and dance routine, which sadly sells tickets to their shows.

There's a never ending supply of ridiculous tantrums over false stories. Their attempts to create a crisis where clearly none exists, is nothing short of fear mongering to advance their agenda. We have watched this tactic for eight long years. Thankfully, many more people have left the audience and have refused to purchase additional tickets. Eventually, the show will be canceled and not a season too soon.

The shifting Left never ceases to amaze. Their story lines would be quite comical if they kept their tall tales in the land of make believe. You can almost see a fumbling character as he tries to piece together information that doesn't make sense. What was once thought to be true, appears to have completely changed or so we are led to believe. The plot thickens and becomes funnier as the twists and turns become even more unbelievable. It's an endless comedic adventure. Some of the best comedies have their foundation clearly planted in misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings can be hilarious when they are confined within the walls of showbiz. We are intelligent enough to know the truth so we can laugh when something so simple gets twisted and turned into something completely unrecognizable. In the end, when all facts are known and the evidence is undeniable, there's a sigh of relief and even a little embarrassment that something so self-evident was lost to the depths of a runaway imagination.

Unfortunately, in today's reality, the lines between truth and fiction are an ever shifting blur.........

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