Saturday, February 11, 2017

New law requires Ann Arbor businesses to have closed captions on TVs

New law requires Ann Arbor businesses to have closed captions on TVs |
"ANN ARBOR, MI - If you're at a bar or some other place of business in Ann Arbor later this summer and you notice a TV on with no closed captions, you can politely inform the owner it's a violation of law.
A new city ordinance taking effect July 1 requires activation of closed captioning on all televisions in use in places of public accommodation, including bars, hotel lobbies, restaurants, fitness centers and the like.
The City Council voted unanimously this week to approve the ordinance as recommended by the city's Commission on Disability Issues.
The idea behind it is to be more accommodating to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Mayor Christopher Taylor said it's an important change and will make local establishments more accessible and properly situated for all people.
The ordinance does not require TVs to be turned on.
However, if a TV is on, then the closed captioning must be activated..."
Read on.
Even MORE idiocy in this article!

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