Wednesday, March 29, 2017

And you're worried about Trump?-----THAT’S WHY GOD INVENTED SHOES AND ROLLED-UP MAGAZINES: Spiders could theoretically eat every human on earth …

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THAT’S WHY GOD INVENTED SHOES AND ROLLED-UP MAGAZINES: Spiders could theoretically eat every human …:
Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year. 
Image result for Biggest Spider in the World“There’s a good chance at least one spider is staring at you right now, sizing you up from a darkened corner of the room, eight eyes glistening in the shadows.”

Plus: “The world’s spiders consume somewhere between 400 million and 800 million tons of prey in any given year. 
That means that spiders eat at least as much meat as all 7 billion humans on the planet combined, who the authors note consume about 400 million tons of meat and fish each year. 
Or, for a slightly more disturbing comparison: 
The total biomass of all adult humans on Earth is estimated to be 287 million tons. 
Even if you tack on another 70 million-ish tons to account for the weight of kids, it’s still not equal to the total amount of food eaten by spiders in a given year, exceeding the total weight of humanity. In other words, spiders could eat all of us and still be hungry.”

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