Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Dumbing down dunces-----New York education leaders mull repeal of literacy test — for teachers!

New York education leaders mull repeal of literacy test — for teachers! | EAGnews.org:
"NEW YORK – The New York Post is calling out the state’s Board of Regents for opening the door for teachers who can’t read or write.
According to a recent editorial:
Image result for dumbing down of americaAt its meeting Monday, the board will vote on eliminating the Academic Literacy Skills Test, which is designed to measure prospective teachers’ reading and writing ability. It’ll also consider lowering standards on another test, called edTAP, which requires teachers to show their skills by videotaping their lessons.
Why drop the bar? To make it easier — especially for minorities — to become teachers. In 2013-14, just 48 percent of blacks and 56 percent of Hispanics passed the literacy test, versus 75 percent of whites. To fix the problem, the geniuses at the board would simply scrap the test.
The irony, of course, is that by lowering the bar for teacher certification, instead of addressing poor standards in teacher training colleges, the Regents are doing minority students far more harm than good..."
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