Friday, March 10, 2017

This is America?-----Bakers Accused of Hate Get Emotional Day in Court

Bakers Accused of Hate Get Emotional Day in Court
The ongoing battle between gay rights and religious liberty escalated Thursday as husband-and-wife bakers in Oregon appealed their case after being ordered to pay $135,000 in damages for declining to make a cake for a same-sex wedding.
“...Every time we tried to make a constitutional argument it was stomped on, because it was administrative law,” he said. 
...In an exclusive telephone interview with The Daily Signal later, she added: “We lost everything,” she said. 
“I loved my shop, and losing it has been so hard for me and my family.”
“That was a part of our life, and it was something that we thought was going to be passed down to our kids. 
It’s something that I miss every day still. 
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over it because it was our second home.”
...Under Oregon law, it is illegal for businesses to refuse service based on a customer’s sexual orientation, as well as race, gender, and other characteristics.
The Kleins maintained that they did not discriminate, but only declined to make the cake because of their religious beliefs about marriage. Designing and baking a custom cake for a same-sex wedding, they said, would violate their Christian faith..."
Much more!

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