Thursday, March 09, 2017

This make too much sense!-----Glenn K. Beaton: No wall, no raids, just enforce the employment laws |

Glenn K. Beaton: No wall, no raids, just enforce the employment laws |
"In the soap opera that substitutes for an American immigration policy, there are three actors. 
The first is the immigrant.
I admire immigrants. 
They've traveled thousands of miles to build better lives in a strange land where many don't even speak the language. 
They send much of the money they earn here back to their families in their homelands.
America could use more such courage, work ethic and selflessness. 
Image result for common senseI like seeing such people come to America — legally.
But the illegal kind is a different story. 
Though they may be admirable in many respects, illegal immigrants are still breaking the law. 
To say that they are merely "undocumented workers" is to say that an intruder in your house is merely an "undocumented visitor." 
It sacrifices truth at the altar of political correctness.
...But we don't need a wall. 
We don't need tears. 
We don't need raids and we don't need to break up families. 
We don't need bravado to symbolize that we're a nation.
We just need politicians with the morality and courage to enforce the laws already on the books that make the hiring of illegal immigrants illegal.
Fine employers who violate those laws. 
Fine them, as the president might say, "big time."
Our illegal immigration problem would disappear overnight. 
And then we can again be the nation takes the tired and poor who are yearning to breathe free, legally."

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