"She is one of the most reviled women in America today among a large swath of the population, infamous for her casual "Lamborghini" joke while discussing the harvesting of aborted unborn babies for their organs in an undercover 2015 video exposé, yet Planned Parenthood executive Mary Gatter was once a small girl in pigtails precociously gazing at the camera on a sunny day.
Gatter is back in the news after a new video from the Center For Medical Progress finds her doubling down on her shockingly callous remarks of two years ago.
"I did it in L.A. I'm committed to it, I think it's a great idea," she says of trading the organs of murdered babies for cash in the new video.
"I did it in L.A. I'm committed to it, I think it's a great idea," she says of trading the organs of murdered babies for cash in the new video.
Gatter has been pilloried for haggling over the price paid to Planned Parenthood to collect intact fetal specimens, with her tossed off joke, "I want a Lamborghini," marking her as especially unfeeling in the eyes of an outraged public.
In the new video, the bargaining continues, with her casually dismissing a price of $50 per specimen as outdated.
"Yeah, fifty's on the low end," Gatter says. "Fifty was like 12 years ago."
Yet in a blog titled "The Landis-Foster-Hutton Family Tree," we see a more human side of Gatter in an array of pictures, starting with her as a smiling two-year-old sitting atop a pony "in 1948 or 49" and ending with her working in a clinic or hospital in Iran in 2008..."
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