"...Equal Pay Day on April 4 this year misleadingly represents how far into 2017 a typical woman will allegedly have to continue working to earn the same income that her male counterpart earned last year for doing the exact same job.
This year, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg is joining in (“leaning in”) to the annual dissemination of statistical misinformation:
We have to understand that the pay gap is happening to women and men with similar jobs that require similar skills and similar educational levels — and that has a real impact. The number of working women living in poverty would be cut in half if women were just paid the same as men. So this is important for our businesses and this is important for our country.
That type of verifiably false statement about the allegedly widespread practice nationwide of employers illegally using dual-pay scales based on gender follows in a long tradition of feminist legerdemain this time of year.
For example, in April of 2015 the AAUW’s then-executive director Linda D. Hallman sent a mass email that made this similar verifiably false statement (emphasis added):
Think about it: Women have to work almost four months longer than men do to earn the same amount of money for doing the same job. What’s more, we have to set aside a day each year just to call the nation’s attention to it.
Sandberg’s and Hallman’s statements are statistical fairy tales based on the false assumption that women get paid 20% less than men for doing exactly
the same work in the
the same work in the
- exact same occupations and careers,
- working side-by-side with men on the same job for the
- same organization (at Facebook?),
- working the same number of hours per week,
- traveling the same amount of time for work obligations, with the
- same exact work experience
- and education, with
- exactly the same level of productivity, etc.
...And if those blatant illegal violations are so supposedly widespread, the NCPE and gender activists should be encouraging female victims to report that employer misconduct to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Filing a charge of gender discrimination is easy, here’s the website to start the process.
Related: See my related CD post “Evidence of employers paying women 20% less than men for the exact same work is as elusive as Bigfoot sightings.”
The reality is that you can only find a 20% gender pay gap by comparing raw, aggregate, unadjusted full-time median salaries, i.e. when you control for NOTHING that would help explain gender differences in salaries like:
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Stop the lies!
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Stop the lies!
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