"The lie we were told as kids was this: The end of American liberty would come at the hands of the political right.
Conservatives would take away our right to speak our minds, and use the power of government to silence dissent.
The right would intimidate our teachers and professors, and coerce the young.
And then, with the universities in thrall, with control of the apparatus of the state (and the education bureaucracy), the right would have dominion over a once-free people.
Others, who couldn't be bothered to read books, were fed a cartoon version of the diabolical conservative in endless movies and TV shows.
The most entertaining of these were science fiction, sometimes with vague references to men in brown shirts and black boots goose-stepping in some future time.
...But the lie is obvious now, isn't it?
Because it is not conservatives who coerced today's young people or made them afraid of ideas that challenge them.
Conservatives did not shame people into silence, or send thugs out on college campuses to beat down those who wanted to speak.
The left did all that..."
Read on!!
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