Tuesday, May 09, 2017

FRANCE'S NEW PRESIDENT: A Useful Idiot Of Islamism Tells World "French culture does not exist" » 100percentfedUp.com

FRANCE'S NEW PRESIDENT: A Useful Idiot Of Islamism Tells World "French culture does not exist" » 100percentfedUp.com:

Image result for flickr commons images Paris"Macron has, in fact, denied that France is a country with a specific culture, a specific history, and a specific literature or art. On February 22, visiting the French expatriates in London, Macron said: “French culture does not exist, there is a culture in France and it is diverse”. In other words, on French territory, French culture and French traditions have no prominence or importance over imported migrant cultures. The same day, in London, he repeated the offense: “French art? I never met it!”"

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