Monday, June 12, 2017

Corruption and Collusion: Obama, Comey, and the Press | Klavan On The Culture

Corruption and Collusion: Obama, Comey, and the Press | Klavan On The Culture:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama"It now seems clear that Barack Obama was a corrupt machine politician in the worst Chicago mold. He used the IRS to silence his enemies, and the Justice Department to protect his friends. His two major "achievements" — a health care law that doesn't work and a deal that increased the power and prestige of the terrorist state of Iran — were built on lies to the public and manipulation of the press. And that's according to his own allies! Only the leftist bias and racial pathology of the media kept his administration from being destroyed by scandal, as it surely would have been had he been a white Republican.

I don't mention this to bring up old grudges, but for what it says about the current moment and the week just passed. Here's some of what we recently learned:

Former FBI Director James Comey's Senate testimony concerning former Attorney "

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