Wednesday, June 07, 2017



Comrades in Ideology

By Tammy Derouin

In typical and ever so predictable fashion, art becomes the expected guardian, the go-to shield of protection when a hate stunt, by someone on the Left, isn't as well received as hoped. When comrades in ideology abandon or at least publicly abandon the method in which the message was delivered, scrambling to rationalize such actions goes into high gear. Claiming a Constitutional right is the obvious way to go. After all, we have the First Amendment. It's amazing how quickly the importance of our rights become when someone feels they need protection. This last ditch desperate attempt to justify vile actions becomes critical. How would they feel if the tables were turned? That's the all important critical answer.

Image result for U.S. Constitution
When someone does something controversial or takes it to the extreme by going off the deep end, there are usually some consequences for their actions. No matter how outlandish, every American citizen has a right to express their thoughts and opinions. It is your right to believe what you want to believe. There are however, consequences when a message isn't well received. The beauty of this wonderful land in which we live is that every citizen is entitled to their own opinion. So, if you're going to expose or overexpose yourself in a controversial act, expect that others will exercise their right to tell you how they feel.

I think it is fairly safe to say, had a conservative expressed himself the same way, using a likeness of the severed head of the former president or the head of the whining sore loser who couldn't make it to the presidency, as their artistic object, things would be much different. Not only would the adjectives be flying like bullets out of their finger guns, I mean, spit wads out of straws, but there would be a call to restrict the First Amendment.......

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