Michigan Teachers Are the Nation’s Highest Paid [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"The average salary of a Grand Rapids Public Schools teacher was $54,690 in 2015-16.
The per capita income of city residents from 2011 to 2015 (in 2015 dollars) was $28,930, or just 53 percent of what teachers made in the school district.
Using that type of analysis, a study from the Citizens Research Council of Michigan found that Michigan public school teachers are the highest paid in the nation when salaries are compared to average incomes in the state where they serve.
The average Michigan public school teacher’s salary in 2015-16 was $63,878 while the state’s per capita personal income was $42,833 that year.
This means the average teacher made 1.49 times the average income, the highest ratio in the nation.
Oregon, whose teachers earned $60,064 while the state’s personal income was $43,830 per person, had the second-highest ratio in the nation at 1.37..."
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