Sunday, October 29, 2017

Edward Klein: New Book Reveals FBI Report on Deep State's ‘All Out War’ to Destroy Trump

Edward Klein: New Book Reveals FBI Report on Deep State's ‘All Out War’ to Destroy Trump:

Image result for flickr commons images FBI Logo"“The Bureau has gotten actionable intelligence that there is, within the federal government, a growing and organized movement to block or interfere with administration policy decisions,” the report states.

“There have been regular organized meetings of large numbers of government workers at a church in the Columbia Heights area of the District [of Columbia] where plans have been discussed to actively sabotage government programs they disagree with,” the report continues. “These would include immigration enforcement, crackdowns on welfare fraud and any weakening of environmental rules. Plus, there is concern that some dissenting government workers might be dislodged from their positions by the Trump Administration."

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