Tuesday, November 07, 2017

100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire | International Liberty

100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire | International Liberty:
100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire
Makes me miss Reagan even more. The only great president of my lifetime, and either the best or second-best president of the 20th century.
But let’s stay on topic. 
Here’s a cartoon that sums up the “success” of communist systems.
...There’s nothing subtle about this next bit of satire.
Though I wonder if the Occupy Wall Street crowd would even recognize that it’s a joke rather than serious..."
Read on!!

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