Tuesday, November 07, 2017

AMERICAN HERO: Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor | Daily Wire

HERO: Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor | Daily Wire
"So much for those who want to vilify the NRA in the wake of the Texas massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday: 
Stephen Willeford, the man who shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church, is an NRA instructor
Willeford insisted, “I’m no hero; I am not. I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done.”
On Monday, Willeford spoke to 40/29 News to tell his story. 
He had been in his bedroom when his daughter informed him she heard gunshots at the First Baptist Church nearby. 
While he got his rifle out of his safe, his daughter looked outside again. 
She ran back to her father and told him she saw a man in black tactical gear shooting up the church.
Willeford stated:
I didn’t have any time, because I kept hearing the shots, one after another, at a time, very rapid shots, just pop, pop, pop. And I knew every one of those shots represented someone, that it was aimed at someone, that they just weren’t random shots, more than likely. I grabbed a handful of ammunition and started loading my magazine..."
Read on! 

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