Thursday, November 02, 2017

BUCK: Americans Are Sick and Tired of 'Importing' Terrorism into the US | Buck Sexton

BUCK: Americans Are Sick and Tired of 'Importing' Terrorism into the US | Buck Sexton:

Image result for flickr commons images Enough"National radio host Buck Sexton weighed-in on the despicable terror attack that took place in New York City on Tuesday, saying it’s time for liberals and progressives in the United States to understand that Americans no longer want to “import” terrorism into their society.
“One of the problems that the left has never figured out about this whole issue of terrorism, is that we understand when it comes to American citizens who engage in criminal activity or terrorism, that we try to limit that, we punish it, we do what we can to prevent it, but that will be with us; no society will be perfect,” said Buck."

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