Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Canadian Doctor Laments Pitfalls of Canadian Health Care

Canadian Doctor Laments Pitfalls of Canadian Health Care
"A Canadian doctor is lamenting the pitfalls of Canadian healthcare, penning an article for the Huffington Post blasting both his provincial government and the federal government for policies that are driving him and others away.
Image result for Canadian Health CareAdam Stewart, a family physician practicing in Ontario, says doctors like him are “looking for the exit,” citing high tax rates, severe underfunding, burnout, and feelings of unappreciation as driving factors.
“For over three years, Ontario’s doctors have been hit with multiple unilaterally imposed cuts to funding,...
And Stewart isn’t alone.
Nadia Alam, an anesthetist also based in Ontario, penned her own story of burnout and despair, writing,
“Dread and despair, uncertainty and panic ebb and flow around thoughts of my medical career.
Most days clamour with stories of clinics closing, physicians leaving and patients dying on waitlists — all flatly ignored by provincial leaders.
Stewart and Alam’s stories appear to run contrary to the progressive American view of Canadian universal healthcare, one that wants so desperately to believe that Canadian healthcare is free, efficient, and morally superior to that of private medicine.
If Canada’s system were implemented in the United States, the damage could be enormous."

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