Thursday, November 16, 2017

Declining population? Polish government says “breed like rabbits!” « Refugee Resettlement Watch

Declining population? Polish government says “breed like rabbits!” « Refugee Resettlement Watch
"We all know that Europe is in trouble because Europeans are not having enough children to replace themselves and most countries have opted for the migrant solution by welcoming the more fecund Africans and Middle Easterners to live in their countries expecting those younger ‘workers’ to care for the European old folks! (They really believe that!).

The Poles have taken another tack and needless to say, the PC police are hopping mad!

Polish rabbit
A still from the Polish health ministry video encouraging people to ‘breed like rabbits’. Photograph: Youtube
The Polish government is encouraging citizens to go forth and multiply – like rabbits.
The health ministry of Poland, which has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe, has put out a short video praising rabbits for producing a lot of offspring.
The link to the youtube video embedded didn’t open, but you can search for the Polish language public service announcement and get the gist, even if you don’t speak Polish!..."

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