Saturday, November 11, 2017

Democrat Senator Menendez Is on Trial, Accused of Sex with Underaged Hookers — and Nobody Cares | The Rush Limbaugh Show

Democrat Senator Menendez Is on Trial, Accused of Sex with Underaged Hookers — and Nobody Cares | The Rush Limbaugh Show:

Image result for flickr commons images Senator Robert Menendez"RUSH: From the New York Daily News August 25, 2015. It’s recent. Here’s the headline about Senator Robert Menendez, who is currently on trial for corruption, financial corruption. He’s got a friend that runs sex rings or some such things in the Dominican Republic. The details here are sordid as they can be, and Menendez has profited immensely and paved the way for this big donor of his to avoid any number of apprehensions or being held accountable."

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