Thursday, November 02, 2017

DISGUSTING!!!-----Latino Victory Fund Ad Features Gillespie Voters Hunting Minority Children In The Streets

Latino Victory Fund Ad Features Gillespie Voters Hunting Minority Children In The Streets
"The Latino Victory Fund released an ad Monday portraying supporters of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie as racist terrorists who hunt minority children in the streets.
This is quite possibly the worst political ad ever made.

[Update: They pulled the ad after a Muslim turned it into a reality in New York.]
From the Free Beacon:
The ad shows a man driving a large pick-up truck with a Gillespie campaign sticker, a Tea Party front license plate, and a Confederate flag on the back as he chases down a pair of Latino boys, an African-American boy, and a Muslim girl wearing a hijab. The children run into an alley and attempt to climb a fence as the truck charges them, but they wake up and reveal the ordeal to be a nightmare before the vehicle hits them."..."
Read on! 

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