Thursday, November 16, 2017

Finley: I wanted a gun, but got lesson instead

Finley: I wanted a gun, but got lesson instead:
"On the same day of the Texas church massacre, I stopped by a local sporting goods shop intent on purchasing a new shotgun.
...After the salesperson hit the send button, I noticed I had misspelled my last name.
So I had to start over.
See the source imageAnd over.
And over.
And over.
Five times I tried to fill out the form correctly, and each time I noticed a mistake and had to start again from the beginning.
Nothing makes me lose my mind quicker than technology.
I was fuming. Muttering under my breath.
Stomping my foot.
And yes, cussing.
The salesperson tried to help, but, as tends to happen when I blow my top, I curtly cut him off.
On the final failure, I threw up my hands and stormed away, declaring, “I don’t want the &%$@ gun this badly.”
I walked around the store until I calmed down and returned to the gun counter. 
With some help, I managed to get the form right, and waited for the salesperson to take my credit card and deliver the shotgun.
Instead, he came back with the store manager, who eyed me with a worried look and asked why I had pitched such a fit earlier.
I tried to explain my computer frustration, but she wasn’t moved.
“We don’t feel comfortable selling you a gun,” she informed me. 
“You were in such an agitated state, we just don’t want to take a chance.”...
Read on!

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