Tuesday, November 14, 2017

History for November 14

Image result for P J. O'Rourke Quotes
History for November 14 - On-This-Day.com
Claude Monet 1840 - French impressionist painter, Jawaharlal Nehru 1889 - Indian politician, Joseph McCarthy 1909 - Politician (U.S. Senator from Wisconsin)
Image result for Claude MonetImage result for Jawaharlal NehruImage result for Joseph McCarthy Was Right book
Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1922 - Egyptian politician, P.J. O'Rourke 1947 - Political satirist, journalist, writer, Condoleezza Rice 1954 - U.S. Secretary of State
Image result for P.J. O'RourkeImage result for Condoleezza Rice

1851 - Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" was first published in the U.S.
Image result for moby dick book

1940 - During World War II, German war planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry when about 500 Luftwaffe bombers attacked.
Image result for German war planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry

1956 - The USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising.
Image result for USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising.

1972 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 1,000 (1,003.16) level for the first time.
See the source image

1972 - Blue Ribbon Sports became Nike.
Image result for Blue Ribbon Sports became Nike.

1979 - U.S. President Carter froze all Iranian assets in the United States and U.S. banks abroad in response to the taking of 63 American hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran.
Image result for U.S. President Carter froze all Iranian assets in the United States

1994 - U.S. experts visited North Korea's main nuclear complex for the first time under an accord that opened such sites to outside inspections.
See the source image

1995 - The U.S. government instituted a partial shutdown, closing national parks and museums while most government offices operated with skeleton crews.
Image result for 1995 - The U.S. government instituted a partial shutdown,

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