Friday, November 03, 2017

History for November 3

Image result for James Reston Quotes
History for November 3 -
John Montague 1718, William Cullen Bryant 1794, James Reston 1909
Image result for John Montague Inventor of Sandwich Image result for William Cullen Bryant Quotes Image result for James Reston Quotes

Charles Bronson 1921, Micheal Dukakis 1933 - Politician, Dennis Miller 1953 - Radio talk show host, actor,Comedian ("Saturday Night Live")
Death Wish V: The Face of DeathImage result for Michael Dukakis TankImage result for Dennis Miller Quotes

1507 - Leonardo DaVinci was commissioned by the husband of Lisa Gherardini to paint her. The work is known as the Mona Lisa.
Image result for Mona Lisa.

1793 - Stephen F. Austin was born. He was the principal founder of Texas.
Image result for Stephen F. Austin Famous Quotes

1796 - John Adams was elected the 2nd U.S. President.
Image result for John Adams Quotes

1892 - The first automatic telephone went into service at LaPorte, IN. The device was invented by Almon Strowger.
Image result for first automatic telephone LaPorte, IN.

1911 - Chevrolet Motor Car Company was founded by Louis Chevrolet and William C. Durant.
Image result for Louis Chevrolet

1941 - U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Grew warned that the Japanese may be planning a sudden attack on the U.S.
Image result for we were warned

1957 - Sputnik II was launched by the Soviet Union. It was the second manmade satellite to be put into orbit and was the first to put an animal into space, a dog named Laika.

1998 - Minnesota elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura, a former pro wrestler, as its governor.
Image result for Jesse "The Body" Ventura, a former pro wrestler, as its governor.

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