Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles are ruling class fail: Glenn Reynolds

Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles are ruling class fail: Glenn Reynolds
"Our elites care more about what their peers think of them than about what they're supposed to be doing. 
No wonder so many institutions are failing.
Even David Brooks is admitting it:
“Our elites really do stink.”
And he’s right.
But why?
In part because they’re inbred, and care too much about each other’s opinions.
I’ve been watching a lot of institutions fail lately, from Hollywood, to the news media, to the NFL and ESPN, to political parties and academia, and I see a common factor.
The problem is that whatever job its members are supposed to be doing at the moment, our ruling class cares more about what the rest of the ruling class thinks about it, than about the job it’s supposed to be doing. 
The result, quite often, is a debacle..."
Read on!!

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