Friday, November 10, 2017

Instapundit » Blog Archive » CARL ARBOGAST: Observe How The Media Describes Stephen Willeford’s Firearm Vs. Devin Kelley. No…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » CARL ARBOGAST: Observe How The Media Describes Stephen Willeford’s Firearm Vs. Devin Kelley. No…:
NOVEMBER 9, 2017
"Notice what Willeford is using?(The Texas hero) 
Image result for Stephen WillefordA rifle. 
A gun.
What they don’t tell you is Willeford used an AR-15.
That’s right. 
One of those “military-style assault weapons” they’re always crowing about.
Do you see how it is? 
Nearly every story about Kelley (the Texas mass murderer) talked about the type of gun he used and naturally, the stories were punctuated by describing the gun as “military style” and an “assault weapon.” 
But Willeford just used a gun. 
Or a rifle.
Here’s a Google search of “Devin Kelley military style” and just look at the host of stories that come up describing his rifle that way.
Should we expect anything different from the press?"

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