Monday, November 06, 2017

Italy losing culture to immigrant influx - Washington Times

Italy losing culture to immigrant influx - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Rome Vatican"Then there’s history. The Muslim presence in Sicily lasted nearly five centuries, 827-1300, and although less celebrated than Andalusia, Islamists remember that era and want Sicily back. Rome, the seat of the Catholic Church, represents a paramount symbol of Islamist ire and ambition, making it highly likely to be a target of jihadi violence.
Demographic trends are even worse than in northern Europe, with a Total Fertility Rate (the number of children per woman) of 1.3, well below that of neighboring France (2.0). Journalist Giulio Meotti tells me that the migrant TFR is almost 2.0 and the indigenous Italian is about 0.9. Some small towns face extinction; One of them, Candela, which has seen its population shrink from 8,000 in the 1990s to 2,700 today, has responded by offering cold cash to induce economically productive immigrants to settle there. Italy’s health minister, Beatrice Lorenzin, has called the demographic trend “an apocalypse.”"

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