Friday, November 17, 2017

Jeff Sessions continues to prove he’s Trump’s biggest mistake | New York Post

Jeff Sessions continues to prove he’s Trump’s biggest mistake | New York Post
"Jeff Sessions is a man in search of a banana peel.
When he can’t find one to step on, he supplies his own.
Sessions is not a bad man, but he is a bad attorney general, as he demonstrated again Tuesday.
Image result for jeff sessions memeBy writing to Republicans in Congress just hours before he was scheduled to testify that he was open to appointing a special prosecutor to examine former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email case and the notorious Uranium One deal, Sessions primed the pump for a really big show.
Democrats arrived furious and Republicans gleefully expected an aha moment.
Both came away unsatisfied and unhappy.
...His faulty judgment has become a calling card, which is why I’ve argued that appointing Sessions was Trump’s biggest personnel mistake; yesterday’s performance did nothing to change my view.
There’s also a new bonus reason:
Had Sessions stayed as a senator from Alabama, Roy Moore’s dirty history would have remained a secret instead of a national scandal that could help flip Senate control.
Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from anything related to the 2016 campaign, then tell Trump, led to the enormous cloud over the White House that has distorted the first year of the new presidency.
Consider the alternative.
Imagine that Robert Mueller were still in private law practice, and there were no open-ended investigation of everybody connected to the Trump campaign..."
Read on!

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