Saturday, November 04, 2017

Just how pathetic are college students' views of the First Amendment? - The College Fix

Just how pathetic are college students' views of the First Amend
"...The United States is rather unique in the world regarding individuals’ speech rights, but more and more supposedly well-educated young people want the country to align itself with our First World counterparts … which restrict so-called “hate speech” and “hateful” expressions.
Above all, our First Amendment protects political speech, and few would argue that the topic of abortion is not political. But … many of those few come from higher education.
Like their neighbors at the University of Oregon, students at Portland State University recently were “chagrined” at the “triggering imagery” used by the anti-abortion group Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) during a recent stop at the college.
And what an example Associated Students of PSU Vice President Donald Thompson III set for his peers: He tore up a GAP poster from a bulletin board “because he sees his position as advocating for the ‘marginalized’ rather than the ‘minority’ of students.”
He added that since Donald Trump is now president, “pro-lifers in the context of this country are not necessarily marginalized.”
Meaning, naturally, it’s OK to destroy others’ speech if he doesn’t like it..."
Read on!

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